I am a strong believer in to incorporate technology into the curriculum. It would be a challenge to teach effectively without using the technology that is growing very rapidly. It is has become more common for schools to use technology more specifically the teachers and students using a Smart Board. Below are some links to various projects I have created that are centered around using technology in the classroom.

I have provided a link to a website that three peers and I created, for a Novel Study Project, and the novel was House of Tomorrow by Peter Bioganni. Having students create a website based around a particular novel or theme can be very beneficial for the students. Some of the ways they can benefit would include allowing students to interact with technology, it helps to improve students' writing skills, students are given a good opportunity to work collaboratively with one another, and it allows students to think critically about the text while being creative

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I22Jvf-fGYo&feature=plcp < Digital Story Telling Project  (Fall 2012)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbYWmIulwcE&feature=plcp < House of Tomorrow by PEter Bioganni Book Trailer (Fall 2012)

http://houseoftomorrow.yolasite.com < Website (Fall 2012)

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